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60m Trigger Point, Myofascial Release 90min change

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  • Pediatric Acupuncture $65
    Ancient wisdom for modern wellness!  TCM and Acupuncture is used to promote proper flow of Qi (chee) within the body. Qi, loosely translates as the body's energy. Chinese medicine is focused on how Qi is moving through the body. Improper movement leads to discomfort and disease within the body. For more information, please see our  website at
  • TCM and Acupuncture $100
    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture is ancient wisdom for modern wellness. Acupuncture is used to promote proper flow of Qi (chee) within the body. Qi, loosely translates as the body's energy. Chinese Medicine is focussed on how Qi is moving through the body. Improper movement leads to discomfort and disease within the body. For more information, see our website at
  • 30 minute Swedish massage $50
    30 minute rejuvenating, relaxing massage.  Typically chosen when there are trouble spots as a focus of the massage.
  • 60 minute Swedish Massage $85
    60 minutes of relaxing bodywork.  For those times when you are not looking for deep pressure.
  • 90 minute Swedish Massage $125
    90 minutes of pure bliss and full body relaxation, with plenty of time to include those often forgotten spots like scalp, feet, or just extra time on your legs!
  • 30 minute Deep Tissue $60
    30 minutes of deeper work on those trouble spots.  
  • 60 minute Deep Tissue $95
    60 minutes of deeper tissue work to loosen knots, scar tissue and deep seated stress within the muscles.
  • 90 minute Deep Tissue $135
    90 minutes of deeper tissue work to loosen knots, scar tissue and deep seated stress within the muscles.
  • 120 minute Deep Tissue $180
  • 60 min Ashiatsu /Barefoot $100
    Ashi - is a barefoot massage technique which has been dubbed the deepest, most luxurious massage technique on the planet! For more information, visit our website at
  • 90 min Ashi/Barefoot Massage $145
    Ashi - properly referred to as Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy - is the deepest, most luxurious massage on the planet! Ashi originates in Japan and is a massage technique that is delivered using a barefoot technique. Through the use of deep compressions stokes that glide over the body, the end result is greater flexibility and range of motion! For more information see our website at
  • 60 min Table Thai $95
    Table Thai massage is a form of Thai massage - which is a traditional healing system that uses momentum and gravity and assisted yoga postures, rather than muscular strength; works along energy lines; uses rocking and range-of- motion assisted stretching, similar to yoga positions. This type of massage technique uses no oils or lotions, the recipient remains clothes during a treatment, and the body is compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked throughout the session, by the therapist. You can expect to be positioned in a variety of yoga-like positions, stretching the entire body.
  • 90 min Table Tai $145
  • Sports Massage $95
    A sports massage is a form of body work geared toward participants in various athletics. It is used to prevent or heal sports injuries, improve performance, or maintain the body in optimal condition as well as help athletes to recover from workouts and injuries. A Sports Massage will help release muscle tension and promote tissue repair and muscle (re-)balance.
  • 90 min Trigger Point $135
  • CranioSacral Therapy $95
    Cranial Sacral Therapy is a form of energy work that engages with the connective tissue to assist in unwinding and releasing trapped tension. This therapy is regarded as a highly effective treatment for a deeper level of relaxation than what may be achieved with traditional swedish massage. - a MUST when healing from a concussion!!
  • Myofascial -30Min $60
  • Myofascial Release 60 min $95
    Myofascial Release Therapy is a modality used for specific work to mobilize restricted tissues that are causing discomfort, pain, limited range of motion, skeletal imbalance, uneven loading of joints, ect. It differs from conventional deep tissue as it intentionally addresses connective tissue rather than muscle tissue. Muscles are addressed as part of the work, but the primary focus is the connective tissue rather than the muscle tissue. Muscles are addressed as part of the work, but the primary focus is the connective fascia that separates muscles and the tendons that attach muscles to bones. Work is performed very slowly and worked from superficial skin level all the way down to bone depth to mobilize the reestablish proper length and articulation of tissues. Can also be used to encourage absorption of excess scar tissue and mobilization of necessary scar tissue. 
  • Hot StoneMassage $125
    Enjoy 75 minutes of pure relaxation provided by hot stones and a Swedish massage.  Hot stone massage is not a deep tissue massage, but rather offers the ultimate in relaxation.  This massage is most appropriate for times of emotional stress or just over stimulation. If you are looking for a deep tissue technique with heat, try Warm Bamboo Fusion Massage.
  • Hot and Cold Stone Therapy $125
    This is a modality that incorporates the use of heated and chilled stones shaped to fit the contours of the body for work performed. The stones are used in sequence of hot/cold/hot over areas of tension in order to encourage muscle relaxation. This modality offers the benefits of more conventional deep tissue massage for those who do not care for the heightened sensation of deeper pressure work. It is also very suitable for athletic persons who are looking to speed their work-out recovery and prevent injury.
  • Reflexology $95
    Reflexology is a holistic practice that focuses to keep balance and assist the body's natural abilities to heal itself. The practice of reflexology divides the body into zones and the zones are represented by points on the bottom of the feet. By providing pressure stimulation within the corresponding body zones on the soles of the feet, tension is released and energy passages opened. 
  • Pregnancy Massage 60 min $95
    Regular Massage during pregnancy has been proven to promote a healthier, relaxed baby!  The endorphins (stress busting hormones) that are released during a massage, are passed on to the infant, in utero.  We offer packages at discounted rates - check with your therapist when you arrive!
  • 90min Pregnancy $135
  • Oncology Massage $85
    Oncology massage is a modification of swedish massage therapy techniques, customized in recognizing the challenges the body is dealing with while in treatment for a cancer or recovering from treatment. Our massage therapists have received specific training and knowledge of these adaptations necessary for greatest benefit. The training focuses more about cancer and less about massage.
Massage Therapist: None available